Name of the plant : Bauganvila
Age : 4 to 5 years
Note : i have got this plant from Munciple Corporation nursery,, they had not charged anything,,, i have spend just Rs.25/- for the bonsai (mitti) pot,, else,,, stone i have got from road site,, and small white stone ,, is available everywhere.. free..... so, my cost for this plant is Rs.25/- but ,, you will say that this is beautiful creation,,, So, once again bonsai is an art,, with imagination
I have present this progression series,, because ,, any new bonsai lover,, can easily understand the changes in a normal plants, and can make bonsai..
Note : imagine that there is a rock,, and waterfall coming from the rock... and a beautiful tree is there ,,............ this is bonsai...